Students attend 2015 EWRI Congress in Austin, TX
Graduate student researchers along with Dr. Kalyanapu attended the the 2015 EWRI Congress in Austin, TX, which occurred during May 17-21.
Members including Ebrahim, Tigstu, and JJ presented their research, participated in various technical sessions and interacted with many researchers from across the nation and from around the world.
The photo on the left shows team members Tigstu, JJ, Alfred, Ebrahim along with PhD student Wondie. The poster presented by Nowfel can be seen in the background.
During the conference, our students met with Prof. Steve Burian, Dr. K's graduate advisor and interacted with them during dinner.
Photo below shows graduate student JJ with Prof. Burian and Dr.K.
Our team is not always work, we also know how to have fun. During the conference, we met up with students and profesors from University of Utah, and explored the popular southwest cuisine such as Cowboy Cavier, Chicken Fried Chicken etc., in Downtown Austin.
On one of these occassions, we all went to an Ethiopian restaurant and enjoyed sumptuous meal with Injera, Doro Watt and Dibbs.