2015-2016 Eminence Awards
Congratulations to our recent College of Engineering Eminence Award winners. Some of them are TechWARMS members. Graduating with a 4.0...
TechWARMS members finish third in ASFPM's 5th National Student Paper Competition
Nowfel and JJ's paper titled "Devleoping 'Flood Loss Curve' for City of Sacramento" won third place at the 2015 Student Paper Competition...
Students attend 2015 EWRI Congress in Austin, TX
Graduate student researchers along with Dr. Kalyanapu attended the the 2015 EWRI Congress in Austin, TX, which occurred during May 17-21....
Nowfel and JJ represent TTU at Graduate Education Day on the Hill
Graduate Students Nowfel Mahmud Bhuyian and Joseph (JJ) Thornton presented their research posters at the 2015 Graduate Education Day on...